30 novembre 2006


Isla del Sol-Lake Titicaca Bolivia

Before I went to Sorata I spent two days on the beautyful Isla del Sol. There are some incaruins and some hostals on the crest of the island, means sunset and sunrise. This was the only time I really saw the Cordillera Real with the impressive Illampu. I went to Sorata to see these mountains and there was nothing but fog..............

Hasta ahorita Peru, chevere conocerte!!

Welcome to Evos Empire!

Beautiful Cordillera Real with Nevado Illampu, thanks to
my trip to the Isla del Sol, I saw this mountainrange.

It's not flowing down, but the boat was moving!

First Evening on the Isla,
first Bolivian Beer, first sunset

'Red is the color of the blue sky'

Mmmhh, 4000m, pretty cold here!

When I woke up: Snow is only frozen water, it was hail....

Another road to nowhere, no other tourist in sight........

Suits with the local Radioprogram:it's all about 80s & 90s:
'Wind of change' ;-)

Some more Ruins seen from a small hill.

On the hill: 'Bring your swiss army knife and a bottle
of something...'

On the other side of that hill: Greece!

But watertemperature is only 8-10º C, local kids dont care at all!

Piglounge! Sauhufe!


No running water, but they have electricity here!

Quite basic restaurant with a tasty trout, mmhhh!

I gave them small Sketchbooks,
but I guess they are rather interested in
money and candys.

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