30 novembre 2006
Huaraz-Santa Cruz Trekking
1st day

Bus Publico!

Engadin ;-) On our way to the St.Cruz Trekk, riding on a bus
for about 2 hours. I hope you like that pic, I hold my 1000Euro
Camera out of the window and just shot some pics, it
was shaking really hard, soon after the lakes we started
to climb up a narrow mountain road. Back in Switzerland you
would only drive up there with a small Subaru and,
of course your HH. We were on a bus.

1st Camp, 3700 m, the green tent is the kitchen/diningroom
and our chill-out lounge area. There was a stove for cooking,
but still it was pretty cold in there. But guide Felix turned out
to be a great cook. Well done. El areiro, the guy with the mules,
Elmer played us some nice andean tunes at night.
2nd day

Tough life! Pretty humid weather. Walking up to the
Paso Union at 4800msnm


2nd Camp at 4200m. When we arrived it was raining really
hard. We waited in the kitchentent and when it finally stopped,
we had hardly enough time to put up our tents,
when....de repente........

Alpamayo appeared!!

That's another one.

And another one, don't ask me the names!

A sometimes rainy trekk, but hey we saw one of the most
impressive mountains on the continent!! 10-15 minutes ;-)

Cansado y muy feliz!
'Hey folks on your left hand you can see a cloud that looks
exactly like Badly Drawn Boy' Insider ;-)

Bus Publico!

Engadin ;-) On our way to the St.Cruz Trekk, riding on a bus
for about 2 hours. I hope you like that pic, I hold my 1000Euro
Camera out of the window and just shot some pics, it
was shaking really hard, soon after the lakes we started
to climb up a narrow mountain road. Back in Switzerland you
would only drive up there with a small Subaru and,
of course your HH. We were on a bus.

1st Camp, 3700 m, the green tent is the kitchen/diningroom
and our chill-out lounge area. There was a stove for cooking,
but still it was pretty cold in there. But guide Felix turned out
to be a great cook. Well done. El areiro, the guy with the mules,
Elmer played us some nice andean tunes at night.
2nd day

Tough life! Pretty humid weather. Walking up to the
Paso Union at 4800msnm


2nd Camp at 4200m. When we arrived it was raining really
hard. We waited in the kitchentent and when it finally stopped,
we had hardly enough time to put up our tents,
when....de repente........

Alpamayo appeared!!

That's another one.

And another one, don't ask me the names!

A sometimes rainy trekk, but hey we saw one of the most
impressive mountains on the continent!! 10-15 minutes ;-)

Cansado y muy feliz!
'Hey folks on your left hand you can see a cloud that looks
exactly like Badly Drawn Boy' Insider ;-)
Thanks to MONTTREK in Huaraz, if you plan to go there, contact
Roadside Peru II
It took me 48 hours to get from Sorata in the Cordillera Real (B)
to Huaraz in the Cordillera Blanca (P). Some impressions!

Getting bored on the bus!

Ride in Style!



Messieurs les architectes!

Do you remeber that little one, loads of petroglyphs around!

1st, only and last time that I travelled with that company!

The bright side of life vs. ...

...the dark side of Ormeño, we stopped at 6'o clock in the
morning and at 9 o'clock we could get on another bus that
was already pretty full.The rest of the trip was so uncomfortable,
that I insisted on getting a refund at the office in lima. Got it.

Pre inca Statue ;-)
to Huaraz in the Cordillera Blanca (P). Some impressions!

Getting bored on the bus!

Ride in Style!



Messieurs les architectes!

Do you remeber that little one, loads of petroglyphs around!

1st, only and last time that I travelled with that company!

The bright side of life vs. ...

...the dark side of Ormeño, we stopped at 6'o clock in the
morning and at 9 o'clock we could get on another bus that
was already pretty full.The rest of the trip was so uncomfortable,
that I insisted on getting a refund at the office in lima. Got it.

Pre inca Statue ;-)
Sorata-Laguna Glaciar Trekking
We were supposed to do a 3-day trekking, but as the weather was really bad we made it a day shorter. We went up to a first mountainlake, Laguna Chillacta, on 4200m. The next morning I left with guide Julio up to the Laguna Glacial on 5200m. We didn't see a lot and had just enough time to have a sandwich before another hailstorm came down. We walked back to the camp over slippery stones and decided to leave for the village, which took us another 4 hours. I was exhausted but happy, but hey Sr.Morales, why do you leave poor Sorata people without electricity every other day? No hot water and not even light in the shower. And that's just not the best place for a candle!

A glimpse of mountain on the first day.

Laguna Chillacta, can u see that strange pattern with the reflection?

First Night in some kind of 'Migros'-tent. That's for sure,
next time I'll bring my own one. By the way, thats only
one of my many new hats!

Do you remeber 'the magic eye'? I tell you it's right in the middle ;-)
click to enlarge.............

Laguna Glacial, can u see it?

Cocinero and Portero Milan with his swedish
stove, hot coffee was waiting for us when
we arrived from the cold Laguna.

Slippery I tell you, and even worse with my peruvian AntiVibram Sole.
The original one on my boots abandoned me after the first trekking!

A glimpse of mountain on the first day.

Laguna Chillacta, can u see that strange pattern with the reflection?

First Night in some kind of 'Migros'-tent. That's for sure,
next time I'll bring my own one. By the way, thats only
one of my many new hats!

Do you remeber 'the magic eye'? I tell you it's right in the middle ;-)
click to enlarge.............

Laguna Glacial, can u see it?

Cocinero and Portero Milan with his swedish
stove, hot coffee was waiting for us when
we arrived from the cold Laguna.

Slippery I tell you, and even worse with my peruvian AntiVibram Sole.
The original one on my boots abandoned me after the first trekking!
Sorata-Buscando la Gruta San Pedro
Some impressions of my short bolivian excursion. I wanted to visit Sucre, Potosi and the Salar de Uyiuni and continue to San Pedro de Atacama in Chile. But time is ticking away...so I decided to go only as far as Sorata and head back north after that. see the 'no internet in my tent'-post!

Estrecho de Tiquina on the bolivian side of Lake Titicaca

Just jumped of the bus in the middle of nowhere and hoped
that there would really be a connecting one to Sorata!

Las 'chicas' de Sorata, most of them belong to the Aymara people;
beside Quechua another important ethnic group in the Andes.

Alejandra got a sketchbook too, she just
couldn't believe it, and half of my breakfast ;-)

Landscape on my way to the Gruta San Pedro


La Gruta: nothing awesome, until..........................

......this funky Caveman appeared!

Estrecho de Tiquina on the bolivian side of Lake Titicaca

Just jumped of the bus in the middle of nowhere and hoped
that there would really be a connecting one to Sorata!

Las 'chicas' de Sorata, most of them belong to the Aymara people;
beside Quechua another important ethnic group in the Andes.

Alejandra got a sketchbook too, she just
couldn't believe it, and half of my breakfast ;-)

Landscape on my way to the Gruta San Pedro


La Gruta: nothing awesome, until..........................

......this funky Caveman appeared!