30 novembre 2006


Sorata-Buscando la Gruta San Pedro

Some impressions of my short bolivian excursion. I wanted to visit Sucre, Potosi and the Salar de Uyiuni and continue to San Pedro de Atacama in Chile. But time is ticking away...so I decided to go only as far as Sorata and head back north after that. see the 'no internet in my tent'-post!

Estrecho de Tiquina on the bolivian side of Lake Titicaca

Just jumped of the bus in the middle of nowhere and hoped
that there would really be a connecting one to Sorata!

Las 'chicas' de Sorata, most of them belong to the Aymara people;
beside Quechua another important ethnic group in the Andes.

Alejandra got a sketchbook too, she just
couldn't believe it, and half of my breakfast ;-)

Landscape on my way to the Gruta San Pedro


La Gruta: nothing awesome, until..........................

......this funky Caveman appeared!

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