30 novembre 2006
Sorata-Laguna Glaciar Trekking
We were supposed to do a 3-day trekking, but as the weather was really bad we made it a day shorter. We went up to a first mountainlake, Laguna Chillacta, on 4200m. The next morning I left with guide Julio up to the Laguna Glacial on 5200m. We didn't see a lot and had just enough time to have a sandwich before another hailstorm came down. We walked back to the camp over slippery stones and decided to leave for the village, which took us another 4 hours. I was exhausted but happy, but hey Sr.Morales, why do you leave poor Sorata people without electricity every other day? No hot water and not even light in the shower. And that's just not the best place for a candle!

A glimpse of mountain on the first day.

Laguna Chillacta, can u see that strange pattern with the reflection?

First Night in some kind of 'Migros'-tent. That's for sure,
next time I'll bring my own one. By the way, thats only
one of my many new hats!

Do you remeber 'the magic eye'? I tell you it's right in the middle ;-)
click to enlarge.............

Laguna Glacial, can u see it?

Cocinero and Portero Milan with his swedish
stove, hot coffee was waiting for us when
we arrived from the cold Laguna.

Slippery I tell you, and even worse with my peruvian AntiVibram Sole.
The original one on my boots abandoned me after the first trekking!

A glimpse of mountain on the first day.

Laguna Chillacta, can u see that strange pattern with the reflection?

First Night in some kind of 'Migros'-tent. That's for sure,
next time I'll bring my own one. By the way, thats only
one of my many new hats!

Do you remeber 'the magic eye'? I tell you it's right in the middle ;-)
click to enlarge.............

Laguna Glacial, can u see it?

Cocinero and Portero Milan with his swedish
stove, hot coffee was waiting for us when
we arrived from the cold Laguna.

Slippery I tell you, and even worse with my peruvian AntiVibram Sole.
The original one on my boots abandoned me after the first trekking!