09 novembre 2006


La Huacachina

Before going to Nazca I went to an oasis in da middle of nowhere,
but only a 5 minute ride from the next town Ica.
It's 'La Huacachina'. You can't do much more than chill and
do some dunerides in some crazy buggies called 'tubulares'.
On this trip I finally went sandboarding, but sand isn't really frozen
water then, it's way slooooooow...... As I do already have enough
dustproblems with my cam, I didn't bring it to the crazy ride, sorry.....

the 'Bananaplace' - opnR breakfast bar

GrenobleBen and the maltese couple @ the 'Bananaplace'

'Tubular' @ the 'Bananaplace'

View from 'Hospedaje del Barco' to the oasis

Fata Morgana.......

View from 'Hospedaje del Barco' to the dunes
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